Nefarious Schemes to Murder Lady Midnight (eBook)




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Based on the concept album by Black Dime Cabaret

From the author:

“Nefarious Schemes is not much in terms of fine literature. It’s a head-hopping, fluid-omniscient viewpoint orgy of characters, ideas and events that’s my attempt at cramming as much information as possible into the most dense cake you’ve ever eaten. What the book does is it reveals and expands on our album in every way imaginable, to the extent you’re probably justified in calling it gratuitous and over-the-top. That’s the point. It’s excessive, detailed, dizzying, and it’s a world that I thoroughly enjoyed writing in.”

In 19th century France, they’re all bad.

Witches run amuck, politicians connive, a man in raven face and feathers stokes the flames of revolution, while a mysterious clown-dressed figure pulls strings.

Celeste, a young woman searching for new purpose following a long and devastating war, arrives in Bellvoir with a letter of inheritance to a cursed family estate. Meanwhile, in her lavish manor house sits the elegant Lady Midnight, most cunning witch of them all, watching Celeste with deadly interest.

As tensions in Bellvoir rise and a sinister murder plan takes shape, the residents of this small town seem to be in for the worst week of their lives…

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